Thursday, March 19, 2009


SUCH!!! A waste of money,spend on my hair for no reason n waste only,this afternoon i cut my hair at kizoku, after cut for no reason i go and color my hair, stil ok if i choose dark color,but no, i choose bright yellow color,shit! BIG mistake, why? because im working as promoter, how to talk with ppl with my bad reputation, wtf? i need to color back dark color, i use my old black color to cover the top part of my hair, now my hair is like german sherperd dog fur, F@#$%K!! i mean is like gold hair been highlight black a little here and ther,not black hair been highlight gold, dis is me after been colored,loldis picture not so clear coz background to bright, no my hair like shyt, n next week start sem2, OMG! Damn it, stupid me

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tagged by Sue

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name.

1. Own name: Calvyn

2. Four-lettered word: Cute

3. A boy's name: Chester (lolz)

4. A girl's name: Cyrus

5. An occupation: Cop =,=

6. A colour: Cyan

7. Something you'll wear: Coli (wakakaka) jkjk

8. Food: Chicken Chop

9. Something found in the bathroom: Clorox

10. A place: California

11. A reason for being late: Coward

12. Something you'd shout: CRAZY,CHICKEN!!!

13. A movie title: Cat in a hat

14. Something you'd drink: Chivas

15. A musical group: Coldplay

16. An animal: Crocodile

17. A street's name: Carpenter street

18. A type of car: Classic

19. The title of a song: Clocks-Coldplay

20. I tag Hiroshi, Anderson, Lester,

Friday, March 6, 2009

Xing Fu Wan Sui

winnie,me,anderson and lester out, kanghong!!!!!! out with fren again,haha, 7pm i fetch winnie n both of them den we go kado eat,hehe,win never been there,so i bring her go there,. but me alone eat only @@ll ther 3 not hungry, after eat we go watch movie,anderson want to watch Watchman but i say i wan Love Matters, haha, so we watch Love Matters lo
ppl in the cineplex always lol, haiz, bising, yar coz its funny, watch this movie u need to understand chinese,lol,it wont be funny if u only know how to read subtitle,no offence, haha, ops is 1.15 am now,i not yet bath,i go now,bb

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Praying Mantis is....

Sue.. Mr. Praying Mantis pengsan coz u scare him,.. i guess now he is in a coma., tsk tsk tskDead =,=~~